Why WordPress?

WordPress is the world's

Most popular CMS system


66% of all websites that use CMS systems use WordPress. They do this for many reasons, but mainly because it's an open source system that provides many competitive features for the website.

It also means that thousands of developers are developing in WordPress every day, creating new products in areas such as security, load time, user optimization and a wide range of other features. If it's not in WordPress, it doesn't exist.


At Mr. Toucans, we use WordPress, which is a content management system (CMS), when we develop websites for our customers. We do this because it is both the best and the cheapest. And we're not alone: WordPress is the most used CMS system in the world, also in Denmark. 43% of all websites use WordPress and 66% of all CMS users use WordPress.

Users range from small hobby projects to world-renowned brands such as Sony Music, Time Magazine, Vogue and the White House. 66% is a very large market share, especially when compared to the second largest competitor at 3.5% or the third largest at 2.6%. In total, more than 455 million websites have been created using WordPress.


There are several search engines, but one of them controls almost the entire market. It's Google, of course. You don't say "look it up online", you say "try googling it", which is one of the clearest proofs of a strong brand. Approximately 90% of all web searches are done via Google!

For your website, this means that it should show up when one of your keywords is typed into the Google search box. And this is where WordPress is super powerful because it takes Google's algorithms into account. The algorithms reflect what Google considers to be a good, useful and informative website. For example, there must be a headline that gives a good idea of the content and a body text where keywords from the headline are repeated, as well as a lot of information in the back end that the robots read when indexing the website. WordPress has taken note of this and has basically structured the individual pages so that it is easy for users to create a page that lives up to Google's idea of a good page.

If you want to strengthen your SEO (search engine optimization) efforts, WordPress offers a number of great plugins that can help you with that. The most common is Yoast SEO, but also SEO Framework is used by many. However, these programs have their limitations. We suggest that you develop and maintain an individual SEO strategy, where you select keywords that the website should be found on and make an effort to make subpages for these words interesting to visitors, so that visitors stay on the website and perhaps take an action, because this earns points with Google, which means that the website is prioritized in the search results

What makes WordPress special?

There are 3 key metrics in particular that make WordPress unique.

Intuitive and easy in everyday life

One of the great advantages of WordPress is that it's easy to work with on a day-to-day basis when you need to add a news item to your website, replace an image or create completely new pages. Much of the daily work is done in the WordPress editor, which works in much the same way as the well-known word processing programs.

This means that with relatively little effort, most businesses can keep their website updated and relevant.

Open source, plugins and many skilled developers

The fact that WordPress is both open source and world-leading means that there are an incredible number of companies, consultants and enthusiasts who contribute with plugins, development and advice. There is an active non-profit community around WordPress, and there are also many companies and consultants who see a market in aligning themselves with WordPress.

An extra big advantage of using WordPress is that you can always get help! No matter if you're looking for a feature or if you need a new landing page, it's always easy to get help because so many people use WordPress. Today, there are more than 60,000 plugins that can help with almost anything you can imagine.

Easy to develop beautiful websites

At Mr. Toucans, we also love WordPress because it gives us a huge toolbox to choose from when developing websites. In particular, we love the plugins and the many themes available for WordPress. A theme is a kind of template that defines the look of the website, such as colors, fonts and design. Inspired by the wide range of themes available, we have developed our own themes that are adapted to the industries where we do most of our work. Using one of our themes allows us to focus on fine-tuning the details. Some customers want a completely unique look and this is of course also possible.

With so many people using WordPress, there are also thousands of plugins. A plugin is a piece of software that can be integrated into WordPress so that it works as intended. Plugins are most often used when the standard version of WordPress does not offer the desired function. At Mr. Toucans, we typically use plugins that also work after WordPress has been updated, which can save many support hours.


In the early 2000s, blogging was the new black, and two American college students needed a good program - so they decided to make it themselves. The first version of WordPress was launched in January 2004 and quickly became popular. Especially when it was realized that it was a very easy way to get a "real" website. Until then, a new website would have required coding from scratch, and for smaller businesses, that was a big budget item.

WordPress was founded by enthusiasts, and there is still an active community driving the development of wordpress.org. Over time, wordpress.com has been added. Here, the free open source WordPress solution is still the center of attention, but supplemented by a number of paid solutions that most companies need when running a website.

However, when you're a customer of Mr. Toucans, you don't even have to decide which part of WordPress to deal with, because we take care of it all for you.

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